Drugs & Alcohol

Addiction Support Area in HMP Edinburgh (2011)

Research to investigate the effectiveness of an Addiction Support Area in HMP Edinburgh (2011), moving away from previous models of Drug Free Areas in prisons, with recommendations for the future potential of such areas across the Scottish Prison Service estate.  Kate undertook interviews with prisoners and staff and co-authored a final report.

Evaluation of Scotland’s Drug Treatment and Testing Order (DTTO) II pilots (2009)

Evaluation of Scotland’s Drug Treatment and Testing Order (DTTO) II pilots (2009), to inform future decisions about the potential roll-out of the Orders and associated services across Scotland.  Kate led interviews with drug users and service providers to evaluate the pilot and made recommendations on future changes to maximise impact.

A review of evidence relating to Volatile Substance Abuse (VSA) in Scotland (2006)

A project led by Kate which required consultation with key stakeholders around the UK, analysis of both statistical and documentary evidence and production of a detailed report summarising findings. Carried out in collaboration with Dr David Shewan, Glasgow Centre for the Study of Violence, the final report was published online.